Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lovely Fall Days

Today was a good day.

I would have fallen on my head when that burly high school accidentally pushed me, except the Great Hallway Throng was so thick I was saved.

I heart freshmen. I led an AVID tutorial today (nobody wanted my content areas, so I led a history one). It was really funny. Mostly off task. One said, "I don't really need help in history, but you looked interesting so I picked this group." What? Ok. He later said, "Want to go get pizza after school?" No. Absolutely not. Thanks. No. I think he was joking.

It was warm and sunny.


Jenevieve said...

well, you are hot, so maybe he wasn't joking.


I miss Spokane in the fall!

Bianca said...

Yah...survey says he probably wasn't joking...I think there's going to be a Mary fan club soon... :)

Yay warm and sunny in the fall...sometimes I just need a Whitworth lawn. :(