Wednesday, October 04, 2006


As I'm falling gradually on the "W Curve" of the semester, I have these daily (or tri-dailyish) bouts of critical self-doubt. I would love for someone who knows me well- and who knows teaching well - to say, "Mary. You can do this. You will be a good teacher."

Which is when Jesus pipes in and says, "Mary, why aren't you asking me?"


"Right. Even if I've told you to do this thing that you are unable to do, there's a perfectly good reason. Stop your whining and get to work."

Well, more or less. He usually speaks his truth a little gentler, without being wishy-washy fluffy in the slightest. Which is how I know it's Him.


Andrew Seely said...

"You can do it!!!!"

Jenevieve said...

I second Jesus.

Anonymous said...

And Andrew.