Wednesday, September 06, 2006

school-related thoughts

1) I like high school kids. Except one. He said some inappropriate things in class, and I'm not looking forward to teaching him. Of course, it's the second day. Maybe I'll change my mind.

2) I'm getting rid of the link on my myspace for school/student/it's-just-a-bad-idea reasons. If that's how you're getting here, write down the address somewhere else.

3) Pretty sure I've heard the f-word more times in the last 48 hours than in my entire life before. Don't these children have a vocabulary of more than 8 words?

4) A senior (TA, no less) asked me what the word "intellect" meant. Then 3 more students (juniors) asked the regular teacher. Shocked and appalled.

5) My grammar class starts tomorrow night. This is good because at least it didn't start last week causing me to miss the first day out of extreme negligence/stress-induced amnesia. This is bad because it makes my day tomorrow last from 7 a.m. sharp to 9:30 p.m.

6) I bought some sweet new dry erase colors (boysenberry, lime, forest green, and ocean blue - nice and soothing).

7) I HAVE AN ENGLISH TEACHER! and she is pretty darn cool. She has great rapport with the kids (aforementioned juniors and senior), and I'm excited to learn from her.

8) The skaters have been the nicest to me so far, followed closely by the goth kids. Funny how sometimes stereotypes are backwards.

9) When do teachers go the bathroom? Ever? Is this a habit I have to give up?


Andrew Seely said...

in reference to your last statement
I have heard the appropriate device was already invented on the show
american inventor
see here

Matt said...

In my past experience with Jr. high and high school aged kids, the skaters were almost always the nicest and most welcoming group. Maybe it has to do with being outside and getting all that fresh air and exercise. If you took out the vandalism, petty theft and drug use out of the skater stereotype, what you're left with isn't that bad. (Ok, take out the swearing, bad music and underage sex, too.)

Jenevieve said...

That has been my experience with skater kids, too. Weird. Maybe you should take up skateboarding; then they'll be even nicer to you.

For your last point, I just learned how to insert urinary catheters in sheep... maybe... well, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! You should definitely take up skateboarding! I can just see you longboarding to work....

Anonymous said...

Sadly, yes, as a teacher you MUST give up this silly habit. You should probably also stop drinking water and coffee. Both encourage you toward bathroom usuage and we've just established that that is no longer an option.