Friday, September 08, 2006

more school thoughts. sorry. it's my life now.

I love grammar class. I am finally in a room with 9 people who hate apostrophe abuse as much as I do. It should be fun.

After school I had a chat with one of the English teachers. He's the brusque cusser who makes fun of everyone (including himself), so the muy serioso teachers go crazy and the jokers fall in love. I'm somewhere in between. But in the course of our conversation (about classroom management/discipline), he said, "Now I know you'll appreciate this because you're a strong Christian..." We had never talked about faith. Or really anything except for some surface joking around about how I was running an errand. I'd like to think that my faith is evident through even my basic interactions, but more likely he assumed I am a believer because I go to a Christian college. It was interesting, anyway.

Freshmen are super entertaining.

I graded a Spanish project today - it was a shield the kids had to fill in with pictures of their favorite song, car, food, season, and sport. They were graded on neatness and completeness. It reminded me of a conversation with my Dour Anonymous Commentator in which he told me those projects were his Least Favorite Ever. I was gracious to the kids because of it. Thanks, DAC!

That's all for today, I think. Now, off for a jog, a room cleaning, and a drive to Seattle for a wedding!


Miranda said...

I'm back. I miss you, and I have some catch-up reading to do apparently.

Jenevieve said...

Whose wedding?

Anonymous said...

hey- remind me what school you're interning at?