Saturday, September 30, 2006

mmm... saturdays

I slept in until 7:30 today. It was glorious. I feel so good.

It was a little disconcerting to arrive as the college library opened, and I will leave when they close... 9 hours later. Granted, I took a two hour lunch break with the lovely Jasmine. But seven hours is still a lot of homework time, and I don't really feel like I produced all that much. I will have finished two bigger projects, though.

I get to play games with the girls in my group tonight. Hurrah! Something to look forward to!

And there are kids from Malawi coming to my church tomorrow. Have I told y'all that I'm going to Malawi for January? Well, I am. God willing. I'll be doing my multicultural teaching experience teaching AIDS orphans. I know. Crazy intense.

I need to finish up this paper in the next 25 minutes. Happy Saturday, everybody.


Jenevieve said...

Wow, Malawi! (If I were Matt, I'd probably say "Wowie Malawi", or some such thing).

I'm glad you had a good saturday. Lunch with Jasmine AND games with girls?!?!? can life be any better (barring increased proximity to me)?

I love you!

Miranda said...

I want to have lunch with you and Jazzy . . . in Malawi. Be sure to talk to Ally, since she was there a few summers ago.

Anonymous said...

I can't think of a better person to go teach AIDS orphans in Africa.

Anonymous said...

It was really nice to eat lunch with you. I hope all your homework went well...& we should do an impromptu lunch again sometime!