Thursday, September 07, 2006


A cause and effect chain:
I took a vitamin.
I puked.
I felt too sick to drink my coffe.
I have a headache.

Yes, if I take vitamins in the morning, they make me puke. I thought somehow my grown-up body would be more mature about vitamins than in the past. I was wrong.

We had the first spirit assembly today. It made me smile. High school kids are so funny. It's a little strange to be welcoming the freshman class. They came in the gym through a tunnel - all 400 of them. They just kept coming! All the movement (think herd of cattle) made me slightly dizzy and nauseated (see above). But then there were 48 in my graduating class. Anything over 100 is intimidating.

The kid I didn't like transferred out of the class. I feel illogically guilty.

Favorite quotes of the day:
"I am just a really really unique person, so I don't have strong opinions about that crap!"
"So, like, be respectful or whatever."


Jenevieve said...

Like, it's totally important to, like, be respectful! Or whatever. Totally.

Sorry you puked. I have the same problem, unless I'm eating Ellyn's gummy vites. Then, they are okay for me.

Anonymous said...

Ahh. High School Brains at, like, work.

Anonymous said...

"oh red and black, dear red and black our hearts are true to you..."

