Saturday, September 02, 2006

back to work

Ok, my two weeks off from blogging has ended officially. My excuse? I was going through a rough couple weeks. I came home feeling rested and ready to go, and... sat around for two and-a-half weeks with nothing to do. My roommates worked their regular-houred jobs. I saved up laundry so I would have something to do the next day. I don’t do well with a lot of unstructured time. Idle minds, you know?

But the good news: I started school on Wednesday! I went to teacher orientation/inservice/whatever they call it at 7:30 and stayed all day.

Question for the teachers: Will I learn to love playing ice-breaker games at 7:30 am?

Three best parts:

1) My spanish mentor-teacher is amazing. She is welcoming, positive, intelligent, and organized. I love it! And she seems to like me - partly because two of my roommates were some of her favorite students ever.
2) The staff is so much fun. They laugh, talk to strangers like me, and seem to like each other a lot.
3) My new school's colors are red and black - just like my high school AND college. Hurrah!

Three parts that are causing some stress:

1) The English department ignores me completely, and keeps putting off assigning me to a teacher.
2) Actually, #1 pretty much covers it.
3) See #1 and multiply by 8.

It will all work out, I'm sure. Dear Jesus, make me patient. Love, Mary


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to say that you will most likely not grow to love ice breake!rs (at least I haven't), though I've become rather good at pretending.

What school is it? I wonder if I know the teacher (hmm... have fun coming up with a clever code so no one knows what school it really is... or just use email :)).

Have fun! Teaching is great!

Jenevieve said...

YAYAY!!! School!! Are your students treating you well? I saw penguins the other day and thought of you.

I know what you mean about unstructured time. Hello, year off.

I miss you so much! Nobody speaks spanish here, obviously, but I never realized how much I miss it. I mean, there are 500,000 tourists here during the month of august and not ONCE did I hear spanish.

¡Estas tan hermoso! ¡Estas adorado! ¡Dios le bendice!

Did I even come close to getting that right?

Anonymous said...

What do you call a sheep tied to a post in Wales?

-A recreation center.

The other 39 are like that.