Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I am currently alone in the archives (again), taking my break by eating a yogurt and reminiscing about the weekend. I love long ones. Some highlights include but are not limited to:

- Scattergories Discovered. I'd never played before. It's really fun.
- Pulling copious amounts of weeds and wearing 2 armfuls of bandaids after I accidentally discovered the thorn bush.
- This rainbow: and additional laughter from a tired 10 hours of driving.
- Breakfeast with the roomies
- Coffee with the soon-to-be Dearly Departed Jeni...
- Praying at Group.


Will said...

Wait...you mean Jeni's going to die soon? That's a bit morbid, don't you think? Geez.

Jenevieve said...

Yay, I'm a highlight!

You are a highlight of my week, too. You, Lloyd's, and that lemon thing...