Friday, May 05, 2006

best game ever

We played this last night:

In one foul swoop, it makes me realize I have been mentally sleeping through my Morning Bible Time for the last 8 years while simulateously creating an atmosphere of tense competition as the players battle the urge to equate holiness and trivia.


But at least it has a "beautifully lithographed" board to calm us down:

I need to study up on my OT. And NT. And Prophets, Wisdom, Geography, etc.
Today's study: the Egyptian plagues.
1. Blood
2. Frogs
3. Gnats
4. Flies
5. Livestock
6. Boils
7. Hail
8. Locusts
9. Darkness
10. Death to firstborn children.

Ok, here's the acronym to study: Beleaguered Fighting Gnomes Fail to Liberate Boldly Hostaged Lady Dancing Dwarves.

I'm ready. Bring on Round 2.


Anonymous said...

Dancing gnomes? I don't stand a chance. Except I am married to Nahum which should help with some of those OT questions.

Will said...

Shouldn't it be "fell swoop"? I always get the flies and gnats confused (as they are quite similar, being small flying insects).

Miranda said...

I'm all over that bible trivia. though you might be shocked and disappointed. We should play at family dinner night. I'll be in town by June 4, so can we have family dinner? pretty pretty please?