Friday, May 26, 2006

seen in today's paper

I think all of you know I am a serious advocate of literacy. It is a basic skill necessary for a decent quality of life in both the professional and social sectors. That said, I may now make fun of this ad in the paper:

They may want to reconsider their advertising medium. Perhaps an auditory ad would communicate their message better, considering their demographic Can't Read.

Otherwise, I have 14 minutes left of being Alone in the Archives (if that isn't a fabulous title of a mystery story, i don't know what is). My former coworker came by and rescued me for a little while and let me hold her baby. [insert sigh of contentment here]. And now I'm torn between writing a story about my friend's neighbor lady who told us stories about her life for a couple hours last night and writing a mystery based in the photo archives (probably da vinci code-esque). What to do, what to do...


Anonymous said...

I'm in the mood for a mystery, and hey, you've already got the title for that one...! :)

Jenevieve said...

Ooh, a mystery, especially if it contains intrigue and spicy men...

Matt said...

I don't think the ad is completely inappropriate. I'm sure there are plenty of people in the world who can read enough to understand that ad and fumble their way through a newspaper but would love to be able to do more. Just a thought.

Andrew Seely said...

me fail english that's impossible

hello super nintendo chalmers