Tuesday, March 21, 2006


so, thanks for the encouragement, guys. i'm feeling much better. the application is almost done and so is much of my work. well, much of the work i've decided to actually do... i spent the afternoon getting mistaken for an unwed mother, sparking conversations about child support and how to pick the father of one's children. it was pretty funny.


Jenevieve said...

Oh, good.

But are car DOES have good insurance, just in case.

Jenevieve said...

OUR!Our car! AHHHHHH!!!!

Jenevieve said...

Yay! Your blog is working again!

Anonymous said...

So, how DOES one pick the father of one's children?

(who's not serious, in case you were wondering...)

Andrew Seely said...

As for picking the father of your children. I say you should hand pick a list of potential canidates and then let them battle it out for your hand in marriage. Based on intelect, integrity, and braun. Ala Amazing Race and/or Survior type challenges. That way you will know the one who wins will be of the highest quality and most viral. This method surely beats out the local sperm bank and personality profiles.

And what's this about Hawaii???

I'm soooo jealous. Except for the time when I took Core 350 in Hawaii. That was cool.

Have a great trip. And if you're going to Honolulu make sure you go to the Rainbow Drive-In and have some Moco-Loco for me. It's the best. And if you have extra time, Dave's Hawaiian Ice-cream.

Jenevieve said...

"Braun"? "Viral"? Apparently spelling is not one of Drew's considerations for a qualified husband.

Unless he's TRYING to diqualify himself...

:) I heart Andrew!