Thursday, December 22, 2005

Silly Cities and Gloomy Gossip

I was watching the news last night, and the news anchors actually said exactly what _I_ said about the weather. Exactly! Including funny footage of people slipping around on icy sidewalks. Oh, my city of residence.

Last week, I saw a truck hauling a large, bloody, unidentifiable animal carcass down an arterial at rush hour. It may have been an elk. It was hard to tell, with no head or skin.

On Tuesday, a strange young woman yelled, "Why do you keep teaching your kids this BULL****?!" at me. There was no one else in sight. She appeared mentally healthy. I liked her coat.

On a completely different note, the library gossip was interesting this morning. Rumor has it, "they" are moving my archives and the entire library down to the depths of the cold, dusty basement. Because apparently I need more isolation and gloom in my place of work. So I will crank up my online merengue radio and enjoy the daylight of first-floor bliss while I can!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of somewhat silly cities, are you going to be in Edmonds/Lynnwood for Christmas? If so, we should most defintely meet up some time!

aka Poptart (I'm not letting the nickname die!)

Jenevieve said...

wow, spoke-vegas.

maybe that woman was talking on one of those hands-free things?


Mariquita said...

Poptart! I will be in town from 10pm tonight until 4pm on Monday - I'd love to see you sometime in there? Maybe early breakfast Sat/Mon?

Anonymous said...

Mary darling. I'm sitting here with my father and he says "no, the whole thing about the library is not for sure." Apparently, you're going to the THIRD floor, NOT the dreary basement. I asked him if he could get you a nice spot by the window on the third floor and he'll see what he can do. My dad says "newsroom gossip is only 10% true and is never as bad as it sounds." :)