Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday Night

Here I am. Another Friday night, and I am writing (another) paper due at midnight. This is a silly pattern, but it's soon to end. This is the second-to-last paper I have to write. Then I merely edit away and produce a 200 page document showing off my ability to use educationese to describe my teaching abilities. But I have a meeting at 6 with one of my favorite classmates to plan a presentation... that'll be fun. And then I can finish my paper! Yay!

Meanwhile, a sparrow just crashed into our living room window. I think it's ok. I went out to check on it, and it flew into the tree. it's still sitting there. I told it to rest up and relax for a while. Yes, sometimes I talk to birds. Usually when I'm writing papers on Friday nights.

I get to go to the river with my cute neighbor friend tomorrow. I think I like Mystery Man as a pseudonym better - makes him sound more like the superhero he is. I am considering not bringing any homework at all. We'll see. I'll probably freak out at the last minute and bring a bunch of stuff.

Oh, minor detail - I also walked at graduation last weekend. Here's a picture of me and my beautiful friend (who, sadly, is now in Tennessee).


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And by all means, RUN AWAY! You deserve it. Miss you. Love you.

Jenevieve said...


I tried to call, but you were, you know, probably walking or something. Sheesh. :)

Jenevieve said...

I liked talking to you today. You made my whole afternoon brighter!

Anonymous said...

I'll get more educated than you Mary...if it's the last thing I'll do! (fist shaking and eyes squinting).

Oh, and nice work becoming a teacher.

Bianca said...

Wow. You guys are so cute! And you look so...master-degree-ed. :) Congratulations!