All of you probably have met my internal critic. She's harsh. I'm too this, never enough that. Never ever good enough. She manifested her snide presence in excess today. I woke up at 1:24 a.m. to my throat actually on fire. Burning. The two tall glasses of water were completely ineffectual, and the ole throat remained in a state of raw, shredded pain. Remains, actually, in the present tense. Talking hurts, and even when I'm not in front of the classroom talking at the students, I'm usually telling them to shut up (never using those words, though). :) So, I stayed home sick.
And feel guilt. Lots of guilt.
Here's what the aforementioned critic sounds like: "You're such a pansy. What weak excuse for a teacher stays home because of a sore throat? You know you just stayed home because it's sunny and nice outside. You're never going to cut it as a real teacher. You're just not good enough. Or strong enough. Here you are sitting outside reading. Oh yeah - "resting", huh? You're never going to get a job. No one even likes you. Your friends don't stay home sick. It's just you. Because you're weak and incompetant. Oh, and you're fat."
So I was trying to be metacognitive and figure out where this voice came from. And then I distinctly heard my dad's voice beating down on himself. He never thought he was good enough, and vocalized it frequently. Apparently it's a learned behavior. And a bad habit. That I need to break long before I ever have children, if ever that day comes. It's hard enough to focus on, you know, eternal things and serving others. Add to that general human difficulty this Voice that insists I think about myself and assume worthlessness and judgment from others.