Tuesday, December 05, 2006

best icebreaker ever

At group last night, our opener was a jelly bean tasting contest. The lovely Lindsay passed out Jelly Bellies randomly, and we went in a circle, trying our bean and guessing the flavor. The trick: they weren't ordinary jelly beans. They were Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Which, for the record, are awesome.

My first one: Black Pepper. It tasted like pepper.

I did try (on purpose) soap, dirt, and grass. I especially liked dirt.

I was not brave enough to try vomit or rotton eggs.

Had there been any left, I would have tried bacon, earthworm, and earwax.

I'm undecided on booger.

Best quote: "If my vomit tasted like this, I'd eat it!"


D 3 said...

I have some of those Jelly Bellies. DO NOT EAT THE VOMIT ONE!

Anonymous said...

That adds a whole new meaning to the phrase "eat dirt!"