Thursday, June 29, 2006

Dear Body,

This is Mind. I know it's been a little while since we've had a formal discussion. I'm glad our relationship is going so smoothly. I really appreciate our teamwork especially in this whole jogging endeavor. After that first grueling week during which I forced you to do things that you weren't used to, and you let me know about it, we've been doing alright. However, there is one little matter that I'm still upset about. Right Clavicle, what the heck? Jogging barely touches you! If Shins or Calves or Quads or even Abs complain and lash out violently I understand. They're under a lot of pressure and even the calmest of us has a breaking point. But you, Right Clavicle, why are you so angry? Let's have it out, once and for all. In TeacherSpeak, See Me After Class (SMAC).



Jenevieve said...

Hahahahaha! Rachelle and I were both laughing.

And Right Clavicle, I've had just about enough of your sass. If you don't shape up for Gravy, I'll give you something to complain about.

Anonymous said...

I will definitely be using your teacherspeak (well, probably just in my own head, but I will certainly be amused)--I often want to put the SMAC down!

aka Miss Fisher... but only for two more weeks! Ack!

Anonymous said...

So what happens when Body refuses to show up for the SMAC down?