Wednesday, March 07, 2007

midweek blues

last week was a busy week, what with student teaching, birthday, old friends in town, and a mom visit. yay for mom visits!

this week i feel like miss mcsucky. i want to quit.

four of twenty-five students turned in their rough drafts today. i called home on a student i sent to the counselor today, only to talk to HIM pretending to be his father (98% sure). my mentor teacher reprimanded me for a)not having my next unit finished and b) not having enough control over the classroom. i'm not going to get a job.

i came home and cuddled up with my murder mystery and a glass of wine to unwind and destress, but i don't think it's worked as i'm still crying.

this game sucks.


Anonymous said...

You don't suck! TEACHING sucks! Have you tried Dove ice cream as a cure yet? That's what I tried today. It helped a little. I'd recommend the kind with brownie and chocolate chunks in it.

Anonymous said...

Mary, look on the bright side - there's ALWAYS employment opportunities in the fast food world, so cheer up!

Okay, so I probably should've gone anonymous on this one...three cheers for Jon and his feeble attempt at perspective humor.

Miranda said...

that's why it's STUDENT teaching dear. You're going to be an awesome teacher. i'll re-take high school so I can have you. well, maybe not really, but I'd consider it.
Dear Teacher and Students-
Stop making Mary cry, or else I'll punch you. In Christian love.

Jenevieve said...

"i'll re-take high school so I can have you."

That's what I was going to say!

You should come over here and we'll eat chocolate and re-read Harry Potter to each other while crocheting. Yeah.

I'm sorry your students are suckular. I'd punch them, but you may have a harder time getting a job if you have a history of siccing your violent friends on minors.

Bianca said...

Midweek blues suck. And so does work in general. But red wine is fabulous. And more importantly, so are you.

Rest. Revive. You are loved.

Anonymous said...

Now, did your cooperating teacher tell you how to improve? If not s/he =bad cooperating teacher. Go to your supervisor--does s/he see it the same way? Give suggestions? S/he is supposed to help you get along with your cooperating teacher, and if that doesn't work, go to Whitworth. It sounds like the teacher has a problem, and should know better than to treat a student teacher so badly!

Added bonus: if I remember correctly, the placement office knows how to deal with lukewarm recommendation letters. Might want to talk to them too.

And I second the punching. And the crocheting and reading Harry Potter.
