Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mary is...

This is a fun game:

The contradictions are amusing:

mary is the mother of god
mary is a devil


mary is a whore
mary is still a virgin

My relationships appear unhealthy:

mary is the last thing i own
mary is unbelieving; makes acquaintance with the fairy
mary is beheaded by her cousin

Some things are true:

mary is arrested for giving brownies to suffering patients
mary is busy

Some are just silly:

mary is a chicken
mary is looking to hire hundreds of monsters

mary is for everyone


Ln said...

Now what would a chicken need with 100 monsters?

Matt said...

Mary is for everyone!

Christina said...

When were you arrested for giving out brownies.....?

Jenevieve said...

"jenevieve is 5’4” tall with brown hair and brown eyes"

um, yeah.

Also, the virgin/whore thing kinda works for mary, doesn't it? :)

Ln said...

I just thought you should know that I love you!