Friday, September 21, 2007

Sick Day #1

I woke up barfing.

I thought, 'It'll pass. I'll just get dressed and not eat or drink anything - that way I can't throw up! Brilliant!'

Then I couldn't really walk because I was so dizzy.

I went in anyway. Changed my mind. Made sub plans. Came home.

Still dizzy. No barfies anymore. Granted, I haven't eaten a heck of a lot.

And I'm feeling SO GUILTY. I could have made it! I didn't actually throw up after this morning, and I could have just sat down if I got dizzy. Second period is going to eat the poor sub alive because they're heinous twits. No one's going to learn anything and we'll all be behind. Even though I've had three kids out with the flu, that doesn't mean I have it too. I'm just weak. And lazy.

So that's sick day #1. I'm hoping to read A Thousand Splendid Suns or do something productive for school or something. Bah.

The up side: I called Mystery Man to see if I could watch TV on his couch while he's at work (we don't have a tv), and I not only got the TV, but a fuzzy bathrobe and a can of soup with my name on it (literally). Swoony sigh.


Ln said...

I'm glad you are being taken care of. Nothing is worse than being sick alone!

Anonymous said...

There is NOTHING wrong with taking a day off, especially if you are sick! Think about it: You can go to school when you're sick and do a halfway job and stay sick for a long time, or you can stay home, get better, and give it your all when you get back. They get more quality instruction the second way, I promise.

Just so you know, I was taking "sick of children" days by my second semester. :)

Jenevieve said...

Hmmmm, unless you've changed a lot, the Mary I know is not lazy or a slacker, though she is mortal and subject to illness.