Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sinusitis... dun dun duh

After four days of throbbing face pain and drippy goop, two of which were spent subtly slipping out of classrooms to relieve my face of said goop and explaining to kids that yes I am sick, I finally have me some medicine. Two kinds. One for the Vengeful Bacteria (if you say that with a stuffy nose it's almost alliterative), and another for the aforementioned goop.

I like the word goop.

goop goop goop.

I also have a sinus rinse. It sounds equal parts scary, icky, and dangerously exciting. I'm considering a photodocumentary of the proceedings.

On another humorous note, here's a funny student quote: "Where's your cell phone, I'll put my number in it." No. Absolutely not. Go away.

SINUS UPDATE: Hi. My name is Mary, and I'm addicted to sinus rinse. It wasn't even particularly fun. I'm dizzy. I gagged. It still tastes bad. But I really really want to do it again. Soon.


Miranda said...

goop. snoop. droop. poop.
poop poop poop
peck poop goop.

Anonymous said...

Bengeful Bacteria. hehe. haha. snort. chortle, wheeze gasp. whooee.

Bianca said...

aw, poor goopy Mary! Sinus rinse sounds frightening and unnatural. Bianca hopes Mary will be well enough this weekend to hang out for a while (since Bianca will arrive via airplane this evening to spend the weekend in Spokane). :) We could discuss goop, if you want... :)

p.s. My security word is "oeech" Ouch? Eek? Oeech.

Jenevieve said...

Hey, did you see the post Tiny Kingdom had awhile back on sinus rinses? It was disgusting and eerily intriquing.