Thursday, November 09, 2006

No Biting

I had the pleasure of visiting my Redhead Roomie's preschool classroom this afternoon after high school got out. Her children are smaller than mine. And way cuter. And two of them ran up to me to sit in my lap at circle time - Praise the Lord they don't try that in high school. In spite of the obvious differences, I was struck by the similarities of our students. We could have the exact same classroom rules (though they're called expectations now).

Keep your hands, legs, and mouths to yourselves.

Clean up when you make a mess.

Use your good manners.

No throwing.

If you need to throw a tantrum, do it in an appropriate place until you're ready to rejoin the class.

Always offer the teacher your gummy bears.

Go potty in the toilet.


Anonymous said...

The gummy bear rule really is the most essential. Glad to see it extends to all levels of education.

Jenevieve said...

Truly awesome.

Those rules even extend to vet school!