Sunday, November 26, 2006

the mind tells the body what to do

Dear Body,

This is Mind. Hey, I'm really sorry you're feeling ill. I think you'll agree that we rested a great deal this weekend, and coddled your infirmity as much as possible.

However, I'm done with this being sick business. Between the two of us, you're grossing me out. Stop dripping, stop coughing, stop sneezing your pathogens everywhere, stop falling asleep without my permission, stop aching behind the eyes, stop chasing my friends away, and for crying out loud STOP GETTING WORSE.

You will heal. You will sleep during appropriate hours. You will allow me to finish homework. I'm tired of your arguments. This is it.


P.S. Exhibit A:

Notice the used kleenexes piled shoulder high, and the one eye that looks like someone punched you in the face. Body, this is not the look we're going for.


D 3 said...

Dear Mary's body,
Mind your mind. It has good instruction for you.
Dear Mary's mind,
David's mind feels sorry for your mind and hopes you don't get too discouraged.
Dear Mary's tummy,
Maybe you need a turkey sandwich.

Jenevieve said...

Wow, you look HOTT.

I think your body's aking for a whirlwind vacation in Scotland. Ahem.

Listen to your body!