Thursday, September 03, 2009


Three days down - one hundred and seventy-seven to go!

I look around my second year classes and think fuzzy thoughts about my students from last year. They are energetic and focused and well-trained. I've already broken their will and don't have to work too hard to manage them.

The first years are learning slowly. I appear all Sweetness and Light. Until you screw around.

I spent some time looking up some of my kids' disciplinary records. Holy cow - some of these kids were getting into Serious Trouble at a very young age (think snorting smashed hyros at school or bringing glass shards and threatening to cut someone until they're dead in 7th grade). Yikes.

In the meantime, there is much to get used to. High heels. Dress clothes. Performing the Mary Show 5 hours a day. Waking up at 6. You know, work.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm thinking about taking up Bog Snorkling. Anyone want to train with me?

1 comment:

Jenevieve said...

I'm in!