Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Fifty Alternative and Appropriate Ways I Could Have Expressed Myself Better Than by Saying, "What the Hell?"
As turned in by Pablo today.

1. Wut?
2. Wut the google?
3. Wut the gout?
4. Wut did you say?
5. Wow
6. relly
7. why did you say that
8. critan
9. why me
10. thats cool
11. thats nice
12. I dint need to no that
13. how dos your mom feal about that?
14. shut the front door
15. rell mucher
16. good one
17. how did you no
18. I dint no that
19. thats not cool
20. why would you say that
21. thats stoker statis
22. I dint no you liked that
23. does you dad no
24. did you talk to my mom
25. how tells this liyes
26. how was your lunch
27. that angerd me
28. Im telling mom
29. Im telling dad
30. Ill git you back
31. holy stics
32. holy tost
33. holy goat
34. holy mother of mine
35. holy mike (boy in the class... last name deleted for privacy)
36. sond fun
37. you sond like sheep
38. you smell like sheep
39. are you a gout
40. how do you live with your self
41. look a goos
42. why mee
43. do you have to talk
44. I disagre
45. wut the dog
46. wut the can
47. wut the house
48. wut the school
49. wut the monster man
50. I'll google that

My personal favorites are #38 and #43. I'd also like to point out that this student can spell the word "would" correctly, but has trouble with... everything else. Can anyone figure out #s 8, 15, or 25?


Becky said...

#8 could be "cretin" as in "a stupid, obtuse, or mentally defective person." Interesting.

The other ones have me stumped. And I spent today deciphering the writing of first graders, so that's saying something.

Anonymous said...

hahah...that's incredibly entertaining. thanks for posting. :)

Miranda said...

I think 15 might be real mature. And wow, I bet your glad your not his English teacher. (you're not, right?)

Jenevieve said...

I'm with Miranda on 15. And, just... wow.

Ln said...

Ha ha ha. This is the first time I've laughed outloud in like, months. Thank you for this! Also, you are a kick A teacher for thinking this consequence up. I probably love Pablo. And you.

Unknown said...

Stumbled here by accident. Very funny blog.