Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I definitely signed in to type a blog with something specific in mind.

The topic fled my overworked brain. Sorry.

Meanwhile, David bought me a new bike and is putting it together right now. He's so good to me.

T-Minus 9 days until Cancun.

I remember! I read a really amazing book last week. A coworker lent me The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, and I read it in four days despite general business of teaching life. Memorable characters, hilarious and heartwrenching takes about a Dominican family, and brand new Spanish cuss words. I loved the family and every last member drove me crazy. I loved the snippets of history written throughout in a highly entertaining manner. I loved the Spanish phrases scattered throughout.

If you are a particularly sensitive reader, you may object to the cussing and occasional vulgarity (although it did add a great deal to character development).

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Yay for new bikes!! What kind of bike is it?!?! Cruiser? Road? mountain? Generally awesome?!?!? :)