Sunday, December 09, 2007

some news

The bad news: Ice can make your car inexplicably and tragically attracted to big poles.

The good news: It's snowing and pretty. I'm ok. Nothing was leaking/exploding/smoking, which the tow truck guy assured me was a good sign. Three people stopped to ask if I was ok. That was nice. One even almost got hit by another car that was spinning down the hill (I mean spinning literally). He had to jump out of the way before the car smashed into his truck. He's ok.

The lessons learned: Don't procrastinate snow tires. And don't drive on 14th.


Christina said...

Mary!!!! I'm so glad you're ok!!! You scared me!

Kayla said...

Ooh, I'm glad you're ok. I have a vague recollection that you called a while ago and left me a voicemail (wow, almost typed voice meal...hmmm). Now that I'm emerging from the Swirling Vortex of Final Exam Doom, I'm remembering that I didn't call you back. Dang it. Anyways, I'm leaving for Scotland on Sunday, I'll be there til the 1st, and I'm going on a tour thing from the 27-29th. :) When will you guys be there?