Friday, December 07, 2007

Airing of Grievances

You know that little dragon-whisper that sneaks in sometimes and tells you, "Wow, you're trying So Hard, and you're still Not Good Enough." It's been plaguing me for the last few weeks. And I always underestimate how deep that not-good-enough wound is.

There was another loony mom last week. I don't want to talk about it besides saying that I have never before been spoken to so rudely and I would be a happy woman if she takes her spitefulness and immaturity far far away from me.

I have a cold.

I spent three days this week at school later than 5:30, one was about 6:45. That's a lot of working. And I still feel behind in grading, planning, organizing, and the PILE of miscellaneous paperwork that appears magically, as if summoned by aforementioned dragon.

No one ever thanks teachers.

I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark, even on good days.

I am an unstable crazy woman to Mystery Man. Luckily, he is patient and kind.


Aaron Kangas said...

Thanks for being a teacher, and imparting knowledge to the next generation. Thanks for doing a thankless job. Thanks for being a role model to those kids.

Jenevieve said...

I think you are good enough. And I'm meaner than a dragon these days, so that should count for something.

Once you get to Edinburgh you and Kayla and I can go out for sangria and air grievances together and laugh a lot.

No luck on the darkness, hough; we're even further North than you!

Matt said...

We do have a cute baby who will be pleased to smile at you though! And a kitchen you can clean!