Tuesday, January 09, 2007

malawian tidbits

We walked out of our guest house this morning to find three men wielding machetes in our front yard. They were mowing the lawn.

We're still safe and healthy - our American intern friends have been taking great care of us. I even know a handful of Chichewan words.

Most suprising: For being one of the few "English Speaking" African countries, less people speak English than I expected. Chichewan is difficult for me to pronounce, but I'm trying. When I mess up they just laugh at me and applaud me for trying. The women sometimes hug me with a big laugh. The men never touch women in public except for shaking hands. Even married couples don't hold hands or hug in public.

Most beautiful: We met the widow's group - a group of widows chosen by COTN to be trained in sewing/knitting/etc. to earn money - and they stood up and sang us the most joyful song. Malawian singing fills up a room so solidly that there is no room for anything but joy and dancing. It was so moving.

Most disconcerting: Public breastfeeding.

Biggest bug: A snail the size of my palm.

Yummiest food: Fresh mango.


Jenevieve said...

Wow! That sounds like a thousand kinds of awesome.

Except the palm-sized bug. Blech.

And I don't really mind the public breastfeeding. Some women do it here, too, and it doesn't bother me.

Bianca said...

Oh Malawan Mary!!!

Thanks for sharing! Keep us updated! Enjoy your teaching and hugs and mangoes! Hope you get a change of clothes soon...


fellow not-a-fan-of-public-breastfeeding

Miranda said...

Mary in Malawi! I'm so lame. I forgot you were going. But I'm thrilled that you're there, and I'll be praying for you. Much love to you my dear.

Anonymous said...

mmmm. Mango.