Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sinusitis... dun dun duh

After four days of throbbing face pain and drippy goop, two of which were spent subtly slipping out of classrooms to relieve my face of said goop and explaining to kids that yes I am sick, I finally have me some medicine. Two kinds. One for the Vengeful Bacteria (if you say that with a stuffy nose it's almost alliterative), and another for the aforementioned goop.

I like the word goop.

goop goop goop.

I also have a sinus rinse. It sounds equal parts scary, icky, and dangerously exciting. I'm considering a photodocumentary of the proceedings.

On another humorous note, here's a funny student quote: "Where's your cell phone, I'll put my number in it." No. Absolutely not. Go away.

SINUS UPDATE: Hi. My name is Mary, and I'm addicted to sinus rinse. It wasn't even particularly fun. I'm dizzy. I gagged. It still tastes bad. But I really really want to do it again. Soon.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


"And, as we all know, reality has nothing to do with the way we feel" - the redheaded roomie

And, Super Picture of the Day: my new cousin and I!
He's the handsomest cousin in the world.

the mind tells the body what to do

Dear Body,

This is Mind. Hey, I'm really sorry you're feeling ill. I think you'll agree that we rested a great deal this weekend, and coddled your infirmity as much as possible.

However, I'm done with this being sick business. Between the two of us, you're grossing me out. Stop dripping, stop coughing, stop sneezing your pathogens everywhere, stop falling asleep without my permission, stop aching behind the eyes, stop chasing my friends away, and for crying out loud STOP GETTING WORSE.

You will heal. You will sleep during appropriate hours. You will allow me to finish homework. I'm tired of your arguments. This is it.


P.S. Exhibit A:

Notice the used kleenexes piled shoulder high, and the one eye that looks like someone punched you in the face. Body, this is not the look we're going for.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

quote of the week:

"By day, I'm a mild-mannered English teacher, by night a heroin addicted whale who likes cheese." - a teacher I observed on Friday, to his class

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I think I'm the only student in the cohort who has not been identified as gifted.

But, to end on an upper, I finally turned in that big paper (the one that was giving me so much grief). It's 36 pages long. I skipped a couple parts. I'll have to redo it, but at least I can't agonize about it right now.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday School Quotes (the best kind)

Teacher: What are some things today that are like prophesy?
Kid: The Disney Channel!

Teacher: ... Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tidbits of a Saturday Afternoon

It was sunny this morning. It's cloudy now.

I've been in the library since 11 a.m.

It's cold in here. My hood is on.

I'll be here until they kick me out at 6 p.m.

One big paper checked off the list so far.

I'm on page 24 of my second big paper.

I might not finish.

There's a cool painting of a tractor on the wall.

old pictures

I was looking through my pictures from this summer, and I wanted to share this one. It's my favorite.

Friday, November 10, 2006

giraffes can't dance

It feels like it's been raining forever.

Some days, especially when it's been raining, I really just want to feel like I'm really good at something.

Some days, especially in November, I am trapped in this tension between grieving and feeling new growth in me.

It's going to rain again tomorrow.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

side note

all in favor of jazzy starting a blog say aye!

No Biting

I had the pleasure of visiting my Redhead Roomie's preschool classroom this afternoon after high school got out. Her children are smaller than mine. And way cuter. And two of them ran up to me to sit in my lap at circle time - Praise the Lord they don't try that in high school. In spite of the obvious differences, I was struck by the similarities of our students. We could have the exact same classroom rules (though they're called expectations now).

Keep your hands, legs, and mouths to yourselves.

Clean up when you make a mess.

Use your good manners.

No throwing.

If you need to throw a tantrum, do it in an appropriate place until you're ready to rejoin the class.

Always offer the teacher your gummy bears.

Go potty in the toilet.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Thursday, November 02, 2006


We had pirates, gangsters, a tooth fairy, couple superheros. nurse. and even a pregnant nun. It was fun.
Feel free to peruse the photo selection and be happy you came (or sad because I missed you).