Saturday, November 26, 2005

Yay! A post of my very own!

This is ridiculous. I have been sitting at my darling Jenevieve's kitchen table for approximately 10 minutes waiting for Divine Blogging Inspiration for the All-Important first post, but am supremely distracted by Matt's rendition of "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" in the irreverent style of a sea-chantey and Jeni whispering sweet nothings to her new goldfish. And coming soon: a Recounting of the Family Thanksgiving Dinner.


Jenevieve said...

Diving Blog, huh? I didn't know you had a theme already...

Mariquita said...

Funny how diving can be so inspiring. Oops. Dangit. Can I go back and edit?

Jenevieve said...

Yes, you can. But first, you should post!